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My Journey 

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My name is Nafisah McClendon. I’m a  Certified Nurse Midwife & Family Nurse Practitioner, born and raised in Flint, Michigan. I’ve suffered from Seborrheic Dermatitis for approximately 5 years; it randomly came on after the birth of my daughter. This disorder is characterized by scaly, itchy patches on the scalp, dryness, and excessive dandruff. Over time, it can lead to thinning of the hair as well as hair loss. June 2020, I experienced significant hair loss in multiple areas of my hair which led me to do the big chop. Embarrassment and disbelief were the feelings at the forefront of my mind. Despite my emotions, I knew I had to do something. I’ve tried countless medicated shampoos, topical steroids, and oils over the years with nothing consistently improving my scalp or hair. With the help of my grandmother, we researched specific oils that would help with not only the health of the scalp but to promote hair growth as well. Alas, Naima’s Crown was born!

I chose to name my brand after my daughter, Miss Naima Franklin. So often, certain diseases and disorders are hereditary. I wanted her to know that if she so happens to have to battle this in the future, Mommy has already got her covered! The support and positive feedback I have received thus far have been amazing! I am beyond grateful to be able to help so many who are dealing with the same hair issues. On top of being a great moisturizer for the scalp and skin, it has also been noted to be beneficial with skin disorders such as eczema, cradle cap, and psoriasis. Naima’s Crown offers broad benefits for the hair & skin!!!

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